14th August: Happy Independence day or WAKE UP PAKISTAN!

With the arrival of the Pakistan’s Independence Day 2014, the hustle and bustle throughout the lands of our ancestors continues on in blissful ignorance. Perhaps to some, ignorance truly is bliss, for turning a blind eye to the world’s many atrocities is easier than uttering words an opinion that may have you condemned for blasphemy or treason- Na’udhu Billah.

For Pakistan’s abundance of citizens, this is the time of year to celebrate, and to raise the flag of green and white with pride and honour. It is the time to enjoy and reflect on what makes us all Pakistani. But I ask you, what does make us Pakistani? Why should we be proud to be of a land that fills its streets with streams of blood? I ask in light of the massacre of innocent women and children in Gujranwala, Punjab. Were they not Pakistani? Did they not breathe the same air, eat the same food and drink the same water as those in Pakistan who claim superiority? Did they not speak the same language and have hopes, aspirations and dreams that they would make supplication for, to our Universal Creator? According to the constitution of Pakistan, the answer is a resounding no. A no, suggesting under the guise of Islamic fact and right, that these innocent souls were lesser than those Muslims that brutally murdered them and that despite Allah the Almighty’s clear commandment of ‘Thou shalt not kill.’ they deserved to die. In the name of a warped interpretation of the perfection that is our religion and way of life, these Muslims, be them Shia or Sunni, felt that to celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr a treacherous and fiery bloodbath was adequate.

So I ask again, why should we be proud to be Pakistani? What worth has Pakistan shown where its own citizens met their demise like lambs to the slaughter? A land without justice deserves no day to be commemorated.  A land wherein the misguided teaching of self-made Mullahs with no morals is the keystone that holds the state together deserves no place in the hearts of man. As time has progressed, Pakistan in all its deterioration has become the home to irony and hypocrisy in all its glory. It is apparent to anyone with their own mind and opinion that the corruption of the country has gone on for so long, loyalty is scarce where fraud and dishonesty is abundant. The martyrs of Gujranwala have highlighted the indecency of the country, with their untimely deaths. 

With no real motive having been found, lies and fabrication of the event in question has led many to question their love and support for such a country. Now while many will go on to say that they harbour love for the country of Pakistan and what it once was, but not its people, my argument is that it is the people that make a country. Without the Pakistanis there would be no Pakistan, as can be said about all other countries.

To make matters worse, just as prophesied by our Beloved Prophet Hadhrat Muhammad Mustafa SAW, the Muslims of this era, especially those residing in Pakistan, have resembled the Makkans in their persecution of the true Muslims, as well as having caused a striking and uncanny resemblance to the early Ummah of the Jews who denounced and rejected their Messiah and persecuted his people to then continue to wait on for the decent of a fiery chariot that will never occur.

When taking all this into account it is hard to not pity these mindless and uneducated Pakistanis who are perpetually illiterate in the vast field of knowledge that is Islam. With their unprovoked, hate inspired attacks and their unsubstantiated lust for Ahmadi blood, it is safe to say that they have degenerated in their hundreds to animals lesser than a hungry pack of dogs. However, in spite of this, our response to fire is not fire. We do not answer hate with hate, not matter how hard it may be. Only love and peace has a place in the reformed religion of Islam Ahmadiyya. With certain terrorist groups- the word terrorist being used as they do indeed terrorise- like the Khatame Nabuwwat Organisation, defaming and slandering the name of our one true Jama’at with hatred and jealousy in their hearts, as Ahmadis we must bear in mind the words of our motto. Love For All Hatred For None. In answering their rage filled frustration and hatred with words of love, Insha’Allah the flames of their loathing with be extinguished in a way that we wish the flames of Gujranwala had been.

The hypocrisy of these vile Muslims has been foretold many a time, but as the end draws closer and as this Dunya progresses and time as we know it draws nearer to its inevitable doom; as we steadily approach The Hour wherein Hadhrat Israfeel AS will blow the Horn, and mankind will be in a state of mass panic; and as mentioned in the Hadith of Abu Huraira, ‘Shaytan and his army will begin to run and begin to hide.’ the importance of gaining nearness to Our Almighty Creator burns ever brighter in our hearts and souls, as would a flame, ablaze with the heat of a thousand suns. For on that day my dear brothers and sisters, as the Holy Qur’An itself says. ‘There is no refuge.’  As we all answer to our Lord, there will be no stone unturned on the day that these so-called Muslims answer for their crimes against Allah’s chosen Jama’at. Against His appointed Messiah and against the crimes committed against Humanity with the Rights of Men and the Rights of Allah having been continuously violated.

Their hypocrisy has been foretold, but their destruction is not far either.

About shahadeel

An Ahmadi Muslim residing in London and hoping that one day the world can reap full benefit by joining Islam Ahmadiyyat. Ameen
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